Cymbric Vale contains significant zones of widespread multi-element anomalism within a 50km belt that has had minimal modern exploration. There is ample evidence for multiple mineralisation styles, including structurally controlled Au-Cu, stratabound and structurally controlled Cu-rich base metals, and mafic-ultramafic hosted Cu-Ni-PGE deposits.
Three priority targets have been identified from mapping, soil and rock chip geochemistry and airborne geophysics – Black Hills, Cymbric Vale Cu and Big Mother

Black Hills
Anomalous Au & Cu in soils (plus Bi-Sb-Ni-Co-Ag-Mo) along a magnetic high and associated with the intersection between structures. Fault intersections are perfect places for forming large mineralised deposits.
No drilling has targeted this multi-element anomalism along major structures. Limited geochemical sampling along strike and on parallel structures indicates that the size potential of any mineralisation is as yet, unknown. Drilling, extension of surface geochemical sampling and follow-up geophysical surveys are planned for this area.

Cymbric Vale Cu
Outcropping mineralisation in the western part of the Corridor extends for over 1km of strike length. Drill testing of this mineralisation in the southern portion of the mapped structure intersected broad zones of Cu mineralisation close to surface including 11m @ 1.90% Cu (CV0006) from 37m and 7m @ 1.08% Cu (CV0004) from 52m.
Outcrops indicate structural remobilisation of the mineralisation associated with folding and faulting. The mineralisation has been defined in drilling over only 300m of strike and 100m of dip extent and is open in all directions. Previous explorers were capital constrained and could not test this system extensively.
Drill defined mineralisation represents only a very small part of a structurally complex zone with anomalous Cu in soil geochemistry that extends over a 5km long by 3km wide zone. The potential to identify additional structurally controlled mineralisation close to surface is considered very high.

Big Mother
Earlier stage exploration target. Previous drilling targeting a circular magnetic anomaly intersected intense magnetic alteration with low-level anomalous Cu and Au values returned. The intensity of the alteration, combined with the circular magnetic feature raises the prospecitivity of Big Mother being a potential Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) target at depth.